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Your probably thinking to yourself right now a maine coon just looks like a normal cat but dont be so sure i have included a picture of my cat Orson underneath this paragragh.If you wish to take a peek I wont wait for you,Im only joking this is a website take your time.Now that you have seen a picture of what a maine coon looks like let me explain how they are different to domestic cats.


                          First of all maine coons are huge massive if you will.Before i continue let me just explain how big they are.Every time my friends come over they come over they nearly try to run out the house because of his size now do you beleive me. 

what are maine coons like Orson

Before you continue onto the next page here is one thing you should know about maine coons.They are very furry and fluffy so if you are planning on buying one prepare to hoover up a lot of fur.So now you know lets move on just click the button to go to the next page.

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